4 validations for highlighting achievements in your resume

In addition to ensuring your resume, cover letter and other career documentation are adequately job tailored, it’s important you use this opportunity to showcase your most relevant career achievements. While your core responsibilities can be assumed for most roles, your own specific achievements need to be promoted and highlighted.

“Achievements show the difference you have made in your work and by inference the difference you will make to a new employer. Substantiated accomplishments give the employer confidence in calling you to interview. And that, of course, is the primary purpose of your CV.” (theguardian.com)

They will individualise you

Consider how many other candidates there’s likely to be when applying for your dream role – it’s a pretty competitive job market out there. Then consider how you can make your own application stand out from the rest. If the recruiter is reviewing multiple resumes with the same or similar duties listed (highly likely), individualised job achievements are what will separate you from the other career aspirants. For example, if all applicants have noted strong customer service skills, those that provide evidence of this (e.g. achieved high satisfaction ratings) will be prioritised.

“It is important to foster individuality for only the individual can produce the new ideas.” (Albert Einstein)

They will validate you

Providing concise, insightful detail on your most relevant career achievements, including how they benefitted your employer, will deepen your career claims. You’re immediately demonstrating to prospective employers what you will bring to their organisation, based on your evidence-based capabilities. Quantitative achievements are particularly digestible, but don’t worry if you can’t really measure your impact – just ensure your achievements align with what is most important to the role. For example, project coordinators should show an ability to drive change/advancement.

“Usually when you claim something you should be able to put your case forward with information and evidence, if any.” (Monique Sokhan)

They will demonstrate ‘doer’

I think most of us have encountered colleagues and other business cohorts that talk the talk, but don’t necessarily walk the talk. The listing of specific job achievements is going to convey to recruiters and prospective employers that you can back up your professional claims. You’ve already proven that you can leverage and activate your skills and expertise to deliver real benefits. They will also feel confident that you’re going to seize and run with this new job opportunity, applying your proven abilities.

“Most people will talk the talk, few will walk the talk; be amongst those few.” (Dr Steve Maraboli)

They will drive deep thinking

Something else I’ve encountered with some of my own clients (during our career consultations) is that discussion about specific and relevant job achievements often provokes more considered thought about what they’ve done in their careers to date. It’s common to underplay or discount what you’ve achieved as an employee, but we really need to deliberate on whether that ‘small’ change you influenced will also be beneficial to prospective employer organisations. For example, that spreadsheet you developed to better manage your workload may be just as useful in your next role, particularly if management requests are known for being last-minute and demanding.

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” (Buddha)

A resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile that prioritises and exemplifies your job achievements is likely to attract and engage with professional recruiters. Be proud and loud about what you’ve done in your career (incl. team-based achievements), particularly how such on-the-job experiences will be advantageous to your next employer.


If you’ve been considering a change in career direction and/or increasing your future job opportunities, it may also be time to consult a professional resume writer. From spicing up a LinkedIn profile to overhauling a resume and adding an often-critical cover letter, to writing up selection criteria attuned responses, Walton’s Words thrives on creating career documentation that helps you to stand out. Give us a call or drop us a line if you would like to discuss your resume writing needs further.