Don’t let these 4 psychological ‘lacks’ hinder your career advancement

Whether we like it or not, many of us have internal doubts or blocks that can prevent us from reaching our career dreams. It’s so easy to talk yourself out of undertaking the job search and career advancement process, before you’ve really started. While it’s okay to tread cautiously when first taking career change steps, don’t let your ‘internal dampener’ voice stop you in your tracks – before the journey has begun. In particular, try and turn off those internal naysayers that like to downgrade, quash and talk us out of our career dreams and aspirations – our core motivators.

“Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it.”

(George Lucas)

Lack of clarity

In today’s very competitive career market, it’s essential you take the time to deliberate on and define your work goals. A lack of clarity on career direction – particularly where there are several potential career paths – may hinder or delay you from undertaking a comprehensive job search. Such indecisiveness may also convey to recruiters and other key parties in the career industry that you’re not as committed as other job candidates.

Also be careful not to make such decisions on a whim, such as when you’re feeling peeved and/or disenchanted with your current employer. Workplace conflicts and issues occur in just about everyone’s professional lives, but many of these pass and/or are resolved without any long-lasting impact. Such times of temporary work stress are when you’re less likely to be thinking as clearly and conclusively as you generally would, so let that period pass before making any significant decisions.

Lack of knowledge

Whether you’re a new starter or a long-term employee, don’t let a lack of job search insight deter you from getting started. There are many people out there – e.g. resume writers, career coaches and recruiters – that can help you embark on your career advancement journey. Closer to home, there may be someone in your personal or professional circle that has recently made a career change.

Reaching out and asking for advice and assistance from industry specialists and broader networks is a sure-fire way to both stimulate and ignite your job search and your career advancement journey.  You’re also more likely to stand out from those job candidates that haven’t spent time and resources gathering such knowledge. Whether it’s their resume that hasn’t been adequately structured or their lack of engagement with other to fully understand what’s required and what’s expected.

Lack of effort

It’s probably become clear that a lack of time and effort could hinder your job search and career advancement. If you’re not willing to do your research and take the necessary steps to identify, interpret and outline your career goals, you’re highly likely to stumble before you’ve really started. Furthermore, a disorganised, semi-resourceful attempt to apply for your ideal role is probably going to say to those recruiters that you’re not someone who goes the extra mile.

It may seem like a lot of time and effort to establish a job search and career advancement strategy, founded on in-depth research and engagement, but the outcomes will highlight the end benefits.

Lack of confidence

Lastly, don’t let that ‘inner dampener’ voice and other self-doubts prevent you from undertaking a job search and career advancement journey. The worst that can happen is that you discover your initial career ambition wasn’t the right one for you. And who knows what other professional doors of opportunity may open as a result of your endeavours. Lack-of-confidence-led modesty and humility may be appealing traits in various professional and personal circumstances, but don’t let them underwhelm you and deter you when it comes to your own job search and career advancement.

“Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing.” 

(Theodore Roosevelt)

Walton’s Words has written a wide variety of career advancement documentation that has gotten candidates through to the critical job interview stage. We will ensure that your resume, cover letter and/or LinkedIn profile are engaging and eye-catching, as well as ATS compliant. Give us a call or drop us a line if you’d like to discuss your career documentation needs further.