Six clear-cut ways to enrich website content

Website content
Enrich your website content

It’s no secret that online searching and reading is the dominate channel – an online presence is pivotal to growing any business. In addition to social media, website content that draws in readers and keeps them reading is highly beneficial.

As part of your site design, spend time and effort considering how to enrich your website content. You not only want reel the reader in, but to also have website content that makes them want to interact and take action. The following six areas will help ensure your website content ticks most online engagement boxes.


1. Plan your pages accordingly. Most sites have standard home, about us, and contact us pages. Others worth considering are fees, frequently asked questions/FAQ (particularly intangible services), testimonials, a page for each product or service, and maybe a free resources or links page. Sit down and map out your pages before getting started on website content (including relevant keywords).


2. Strategically profile your audience. As with most copywriting, it’s essential to outline your target audience before writing website content. A tone relevant to your readership, which also acknowledges and addresses their needs, is likely to appeal. As part of this, focus on how you stand out from your competitors.


3. Use headlines that stick. Your headlines are likely to be the first words the reader takes in and will also influence search engine rankings. They need to concisely explain the page’s website content, while appealing to the reader’s needs or interests. Readers will likely ask ‘what’s in it for me’ before reading on, so aim to address this question.


4. Break up your page content. Lengthy paragraphs won’t hold the attention of scanning online readers, so break up your website content with subheadings, graphics, etc. Again ensure any subheadings address the reader’s needs or interests, and maintain a coherent flow across the page. Also use graphics that are relevant and of high-quality, with captions included.


5. Encourage reader interaction. Website content interaction is now as likely to increase your search engine rankings as is SEOs. Including links to other pages, case studies, testimonials, samples of your work, etc. will help increase the reader’s engagement with your site. Also consider links to other like-minded businesses, particularly those willing to reciprocate.


6. Always include a call to action. Most of your site pages should include a call to action, even if only guiding to your contact details. Think about whether there are any special offers you’d like to make which could be updated or removed as relevant, or any products you’d like to sell via a shopping trolley. Further ways to increase reader interaction with your website content.



A business website is an essential marketing tool, and even though it’s best to keep it organic, strategically establishing website content will have long-term benefits. Walton’s Words is highly experienced in designing and writing website content, so drop us a line or give us a call if you’d like to discuss your website marketing plans further.