Why it’s worth investing in a professional resume writer

There are many career benefits in addition to the industry standardisation that a professionally certified resume writer can deliver (i.e. keeping up with the latest recruitment trends and norms). While it may seem like a hefty investment, hiring a resume writer could take you further in your career than you ever could have imagined. This includes taking you to the next career echelon, switching paths to focus on your real dream profession, and/or helping you to overcome significant employment gaps.

You’ll get interviews: A professionally written, job tailored, ATS aligned resume is highly likely to stand out. And you’ll likely feel more prepared for the interview stage, based on the strengths and achievements focused questioning undertaken by your resume writer. A couple of my recent success stories are helping a client kick-start their career in the highly-regulated police force and enabling a former pharmacist to realise his passion for the outback via a paid role in tourism.

Your personal brand will be noticed: In addition to increasing career opportunities, an informative and engaging LinkedIn profile and other career documentation will also improve your brand reach and reputation. LinkedIn in particular, is now like your online business card, and a keyword optimised profile that highlights your capabilities will generate a lot more interest among its millions of members.

Key justifications for investing your time and money in an industry certified resume writer …

We’re industry qualified: A CARW (Certified Advanced Resume Writer) endorsement means you’re hiring a specialist that’s been thoroughly tested to ensure their skills are in-depth and up-to-date. This testing is ongoing, meaning accredited resume writers keep track of the latest recruitment trends and specifications.

We write objectively: Most of us find it tricky to write about ourselves impartially, and some struggle to concisely highlight their strengths and achievements. A professional resume writer spends the time working with and challenging you to draw out relevant, noteworthy information that creates career-selling documentation.

We’ll accommodate for ATS: Most recruiters use automated tracking systems to sort through their application piles. This means your job application needs to be appropriately written and strategically formatted to increase your chances of being ‘found’.

It’ll be highly customised: Whether applying for a specific job or wanting a more generalised job/industry resume, a professional resume writer can help identify the type of role your skillset and experience aligns with. They will expertly streamline your information to highlight your most transferrable strengths and abilities.

So if you’ve been considering taking a career plunge or increasing your future employment/business opportunities, perhaps it’s time to consult a professional resume writer. From spicing up a LinkedIn profile to overhauling a resume and adding an often-critical cover letter, to writing up selection criteria attuned responses, Walton’s Words thrives on creating career documentation that helps you to stand out and be noticed. Give us a call or drop us a line if you’d like to discuss your resume writing needs further.